In the beginning, all was propane. But titans mined Hank's propane from the ground and found that it retained the beasts' desire for speeeeps. They had a fiery asshole and they had diarrhea. They abandoned the beasts and made giant vehicles that moved with propane.
King of the Hill. This is the story of a propane salesman and his son Bobby.
Hank Hill was a failing propane salesman from Arlen, Texas. He was very poor and lived in a crap house with his wife Peggy, son Bobby and niece Luanne. One day Peggy abandoned Hank for a man with an actual life ahead of him.
Hank wanted sex and so asked Luanne to suck his balls, but she never did. And so Hank left disgruntled as Luanne never sucked his balls. He ran away with Bobby to an abandoned warehouse where he took loads of drugs after cutting off his pingas and forcibly feeding it to Bobby before hanging him with toilet paper from a public restroom. Hank fell into a drug-induced coma and nobody ever found him nor his dead son Bobby. But Hank is happy as he dreams about being a successful propane salesman living in an okay house with his wife and son Bobby. He lived a good crack-induced lie(f).